Thank you to all the prospective golfers that showed up to our first meeting of 2012 on Wednesday March 21st at H.R. Singletons in Hicksville, NY.
It was a great turn out. We have received multiple emails from attendees who said that they had a good time and are looking forward to the season.
And thank you to all the golfers that reached out and expressed interest in playing in the league this year but was unable to attend the meeting on the 21st due to prior engagements.
We are going to hold the 2012 Season of The Long Island Insurance Golf League at the Peninsula Golf Course in The Nassau Shores Section of Massapequa, NY.
The League will start on Wednesday May 2nd, 2012.
The cost to join the league is $250 plus weekly green fees. The $250 covers the end of the year outing, prizes, and dinner that night.
The cost to join the league is $250 plus weekly green fees. The $250 covers the end of the year outing, prizes, and dinner that night.
Below you will find a link to register for the upcoming season.
Registration will be open until Tuesday May 1st, 2012 at 8pm.
Please Note: Please click on the link and register even if you have previously filled out the initial form that was sent out and on the website. We need to start to get an accurate count of the league members.
We appreciate you taking the time out of your day to do this.
This link will be open until 8pm on the 1st of May when registration ends. Click Here
You can always find the link on the LI Insurance Golf League's website.
See You on the Course,
- Sam Snead